Whether you are new to college life, a community member looking for fun and interesting classes, a continuing student, or a Kindergarten-12th grade student, you are welcome at College of the Siskiyous. Admissions and Records is here to help make your experience a success!
Option A – Online through your mySiskiyous portal. When you applied to College of the Siskiyous or registered the first time you were set up with an account. If you know your user name and password you can always register in this mode. If you cannot remember your user name and password you can contact our Student Help Desk at (530) 938-5523 to get set up.
Option B – E-signature. We have set up the Registration form to be signed electronically from your computer. Complete the form with the class you are interested in and sign electronically. Once you hit submit it automatically delivers the form to the Registration Office.
Option C – PDF Printable. If you do not want to sign electronically you can print a copy of the Registration form and either fax or email it to our office.
Fax: (530) 938-5367
Email: registration@siskiyous.edu
Registration documentation can be submitted in person at one of the following locations, by fax or by email.
Email: registration@siskiyous.edu
Fax: (530) 938-5367
Weed Campus
800 College Avenue
Weed, CA 96094
Phone: (530) 938-5500
Office Hours - Fall and Spring Semesters:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Office Hours - Summer Semester:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Yreka Campus
2001 Campus Drive
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: (530) 938-5550
Office Hours - Fall and Spring Semesters:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Office Hours - Summer Semester:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Services are available to distance education students via phone, email, and video chat (Zoom).