Commencement is a special event that marks the celebration and culmination of years of hard work completed by our students.
The 2025 College of the Siskiyous Commencement and Graduation Ceremony will be held Friday, May 16, 2025 at 6:00 pm at Hershel Meredith Stadium (Football Field), Weed Campus, 800 College Avenue, Weed. This ceremony will be held in-person, outdoors, and will not require limited guest seating.
For family and friends who cannot attend, the Ceremony will be live streamed on our Siskiyous Athletics YouTube page
All graduates who plan to participate in the Ceremony are encouraged to attend the Rehearsal scheduled for 1:00 pm on May 16, 2025 at Herschel Meredith Stadium (Football Field).
Students who plan to graduate and participate in the ceremony should fill out and submit their Petition to Graduate by April 15, 2025.
Note - This does not mean that students who petition after the deadline will not be able to receive their degree.
Petitions will still be reviewed for degree completion, and may participate in the ceremony. However, we cannot guarantee name will be included in the program.
Degrees are not automatically awarded. See Instructions on Petitioning to Graduate below.
The deadline to submit a request to participate in Commencement through the Petition for Graduation will close April 15. Students who petition to graduate after April 15 may still participate in the Ceremony but are not guaranteed to be listed in the Program.
Yes. For family and friends who cannot attend, the Ceremony will be live streamed on our Siskiyous Athletics YouTube page
All students participating in the ceremony will receive a printed Commencement Program during the ceremony for students and guests. Students can request extra programs by emailing
Students will be listed in the program and in a press release to the media unless they opt out by sending an email to and including their first and last name in the email, or if they had previously opted out through their petition form. If you are unsure whether or not you opted out, send an email to ask.
Students are not required to participate in the graduation / commencement ceremony in order to receive their diploma/degree. Students who petition by May 1, 2025 will still be included in the printed Commencement Program regardless of participation in the ceremony. Please see note above regarding Commencement Printed Program. Please specify whether you want to opt out of both or not.
All students who are completing graduation requirements must file a " Petition to Graduate" available online or at the Counseling and Student Support Programs Office. It is recommended that you petition after registering for your spring classes. The earlier the better! (Commencement Deadline is April 15). Late petitions will result in not being able to participate in commencement or your name not being listed in the program (printed program deadline is May 1).
Students interested in becoming the student graduation speaker must apply and audition before a panel comprised of staff, students, and faculty. The Student Speaker Application deadline is April 18. Students who have applied will receive further instructions shortly after the Student Speaker Application deadline.
Pending successful completion of your courses, your degree will be sent to the address on your graduation petition in late July. Student payment accounts must be cleared in orderfor degree to be mailed out.
Graduation candidates will be mailed commencement information by April 15. Be sure to check your Siskiyous student email account for updates.