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Administrative Services Council

Committee Charge

As part of the participatory governance structure and decision-making process of the college, the Administrative Services Council brings together college constituents in a meeting to advise and consult on college-wide issues related to administrative, operations, and facilities services. This group serves in a recommendation capacity through the participatory governance process to the college.


Dr. Char Perlas (Interim Chair)
Jesse Cecil
Matt Donaldson
Melissa Ericsson
Amyanne Groppi
Sara Montgomery

Veronica Rivera
Marlena Shaffer
Patrick Walton
Robert Giordanengo
Amy Snodgrass (Minutes)


Days: Third Wednesday of each month (excluding holidays and semester breaks)
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Location: Currently via Zoom (details in BoardDocs agenda)

Agendas, Minutes, and Related Documents