For Immediate Release: April 30, 2024
Public Relations Office
Dawnie Slabaugh
Phone: (530) 938-5373
Weed / COS – Chico State and seven community colleges came together Monday in an incredible demonstration of solidarity to support the educational dreams of transfer students from across the North State region.
President Steve Perez and leadership from Butte College, College of the Siskiyous, Feather River College, Lassen Community College, Shasta College, Woodland Community College and Yuba College signed Memoranda of Understanding to formalize dual admission and streamlined transfer for students interested in pursuing their bachelor's degree at Chico State. This guaranteed admission and accompanying support mechanisms lay the groundwork to simplify and ease transfer students' pathways to pursue four-year degrees, credentials, and further education within their region.
The benefits of the collaboration include that Chico State guarantees admission to students from those seven colleges as long as they meet minimum eligibility requirements and apply by published deadlines; Chico State will extend a dual admission program invitation through the Transfer Success Pathway (TSP) to eligible first-time, first-year applicants at the end of their high school career after being denied admission; that each college will establish a mechanism for early identification of students who are interested in transferring and schedule a Chico State campus tour for those students; and that Chico State educational opportunities will be promoted at the individual community college campuses.
"We're signing agreements to build guaranteed admission pathways and seamless transfer pathways so any student in the North State that wants to go to a community college and wants to come to Chico State can hit the ground running, consider themselves a Wildcat from Day One, and then have a really easy transfer process here to Chico," Perez. "Our mission, as partners, is to provide access to high-quality higher education to any person in the North State that wants it, and these agreements are a really important step to make that happen."
"What you see in front of you is 30,000 students—30,000 students represented at these community colleges that are benefiting from their leadership and what they have set up on their campuses for them to be cared for and for them to achieve their dreams," Perez said. "We've got a huge responsibility. We all take it on willingly because we get to do something truly incredible, which is work with our students. We get to spend a little bit of time with them in their life to help them get to do what they want to do. It is a true privilege."
Char Perlas, Superintendent / President of College of the Siskiyous, shared a story about a current College of the Siskiyous student who will transfer to Chico State this fall. The student chose Chico State as her first choice not only because of its program in didactics in dietetics but because of its proximity to her family in Siskiyou County and the size of the university.
"The size of Chico State brings more opportunities than a community college but also retains the strong sense of community that comes with smaller institutions," Perlas quoted the student. "Signing this MOU today will help us impact students just like Myra and assist them to achieve their academic goals by earning a baccalaureate degree. We're very, very happy that this is happening, and we're happy to make this promise to our students."
Registration for 2024 summer session and fall semester classes at College of the Siskiyous is now open. Early registration is recommended to get the classes you need and want. Using the "mySiskiyous" tab on the homepage, students may view the class schedules online. Summer Session classes will begin Monday, June 3, 2024. Students who plan to register should contact the COS Counseling and Advising Department at (530) 938-5353 to schedule an appointment with staff that will provide you with the help you need to successfully complete your academic and career goals.
COS provides transfer classes to four-year colleges, associate degrees, vocational certificate programs, job skills classes, and courses for personal enrichment and recreation. The College offers many services to students including advising and counseling, two residential lodges, tutoring, financial aid, and an onsite Campus Gift and Bookstore where students may also purchase their books and supplies.
For more information about College of the Siskiyous visit our website or call (530) 938-5555 or toll-free (888) 397-4339. Are you new to COS? Call (530) 938-5847 to schedule a tour of the Weed Campus. Students registering for classes may do so at the Weed or Yreka Campuses or online and clicking on the "mySiskiyous logo". Payment of class fees is encouraged when registering. Don’t wait… Register Today!