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SAS provides services to any enrolled College of the Siskiyous' students who have a documented disability that affects their academic performance. Students with either permanent or temporary disabilities are eligible. Decisions regarding the exact accommodations to be provided are made on an individualized basis by the SAS Specialist or Learning Disability (L.D.) Specialist.

Disability Groups Served by SAS

Physical Disability
Students with a limitation in locomotion or motor functions.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Students with a total or partial loss of hearing function.

Blind and Low Vision
Students with a level of vision that limits the student's ability to access the educational process.

Learning Disability
Students with an average to above-average intellectual ability who exhibit one or more deficits in processing.

Intellectual Disability
Students exhibiting below average intellectual functioning and potential for measurable achievement.

Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
A verified deficit in brain functioning which results in a total or partial loss of cognitive, communicative, motor, psycho-social and/or sensory-perceptual abilities.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Students with a persistent deficit in attention and/or hyperactive and impulsive behavior that limits the student's ability to access the educational process.

Autism Spectrum
A neuro-developmental disorder that causes limitations in social, academic, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning.

Mental Health Disability
A persistent psychological or psychiatric disorder, emotional or mental disorder.

"Other" Health Conditions and Disabilities
This category includes all other verifiable disabilities and health-related limitations that adversely affect education performance but do not fall into any of the other categories. Other Challenges include: Conditions having limited strength, vitality, or alertness due to chronic or acute health problems. Some examples are: Epilepsy - Heart conditions - HIV/AIDS - Cancer.

Each disability group has different eligibility standards. Students applying for SAS services are responsible for providing the specified documentation. After consultation with a SAS counselor, students may be requested to submit additional documentation that will assist in clarifying the most appropriate services and accommodations.

Contact Student Access Services (SAS)

Phone: (530) 938-5297
Toll-free: 1 (888) 397-4339
Fax: (530) 938-5378