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Board of Trustee Service Area Maps

Service Area 1

Dunsmuir, McCloud, and Castella school districts; expanded west to include unincorporated land west of Dunsmuir, the Azalea area, and unincorporated land east of Lake Siskiyou.

Trustee: Kevin Dalton

Service Area 1

Service Area 2

Service Area 2: Mount Shasta school districts; expanded to accommodate the shifts in Area 1 north above Mount Shasta to include areas around the city.

Trustee: Deborah Derby

Service Area 2

Service Area 3

Big Springs, Butteville Union, Gazelle, and Weed school districts; a slight change was made with the City of Weed united within the area and population along Big Springs Road included. Lake Shastina and Edgewood are whole within the district.

Trustee: Carol Cupp

Service Area 3

Service Area 4

Yreka schools; expanded to include more of the City of Yreka, shifting the border between Area 4 and Area 7 north to Lennox and Terrance Drive. In this plan, Area 4 includes 71% of the City of Yreka.

Trustee: Barry Ohlund

Service Area 4

Service Area 5

Butte Valley Unified, Delphic, Grenada, Little Shasta, Montague, Willow Creek, Tulelake school districts; reduced in population as Area 7 expands eastward above Yreka. To accommodate this change, Area 5 was expanded to include a portion east of Yreka east of Interstate 5 and south of Oberlin Road.

Trustee: Kathy Koon

Service Area 5

Service Area 6

Scott Valley Unified, Forks of Salmon, Sawyers Bar schools; Area 6 changed its footprint to encompass all of the Scott Valley USD and uses Interstate 5 as its eastern boundary and the western border of the City of Weed.

Trustee: Greg Hanna

Service Area 6

Service Area 7

Bogus, Fall Creek, Happy Camp Union, Hornbrook, Junction, Klamath River, and Seiad schools; expanded eastward past Interstate 5 and uses the Yreka Union HSD’s eastern border. It further expands to also include all of Siskiyou Union HSD.

Trustee: Erica Mitchell

Service Area 7