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Fire Academy

College of the Siskiyous (COS) Fire Academy is an accredited Regional Training program (ARTP) as designated by the Office of the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM). As an ARTP, COS Fire Academy is authorized to deliver a CSFM Accredited Fire Fighter I/II Academy, a full suite of CSFM courses leading to advanced levels of certification and deliver Fire Fighter I/II certification examinations in support of CSFM's accreditation by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) and the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board). To maintain accreditation, the COS Fire Academy is reviewed by the California State Fire Marshal and members of the California Fire Technology/Academy Directors Association every five years.

COS Fire Academy is authorized by the California State Fire Marshal program to issue certificates from State Fire Training and the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. The primary objective of the Fire Academy is to provide students with an academic, behavioral, physical, and manipulative skills base to successfully compete for a Firefighter position and complete a department's probationary requirements. COS Academy graduates are employed in every Fire Department in Siskiyou County and many departments throughout California.

Academy Dates

Fire Academy 46, October 28, 2024 – May 2, 2025

Fire Academy Agility Test, To be determined

Fire Academy Orientation (Mandatory), August 28, 2024, 9:00 – 11:00 am

We run one Academy each year that meets the SFT Firefighter 1 and Firefighter 2 requirements.

Academy Catalog

Interest List

Fire Academy Interest List

  1. Complete online application

    Your first step in applying to our college is completing an application through CCCApply. Submit the application online and print a copy of the confirmation page for your records. You will receive an additional email from COS providing you with your new student ID# and your student portal login information.

  2. Log into your mySiskiyous Portal

    Become familiar with your mySiskiyous portal as you will be using this regularly.

  3. Send in your transcripts
    • All transcripts are to be sent to the office of Admissions and Records at 800 College Ave. Weed, CA 96094
    • It is important to send in transcripts as some courses have required prerequisites, specifically math and English.
    • If you have questions on the type of documentation that can be used contact our Counseling and Student Support Services at (530) 938-5353.
  4. Complete a SOAR (Siskiyous Orientation Advising Registration) Session

    As a new and/or returning (in the absence of two or more years) student you will need to participate in a SOAR session.

    What is a SOAR session?

    • A SOAR session is an orientation in which you will receive academic advising such as discussing an educational plan, and receive assistance on registering for classes. Additionally SOAR will prepare you to become familiar with our campus and learn about the resources we offer for our students.
    • Schedule an in person or online SOAR by contacting Counseling & Support Services at (530) 938-5353.
  5. Pay your Fees

    All fees are due upon registration. You may pay for your class in one of three ways:

    1. Financial Aid
    2. Payment Plan: Contact the Business Office at (530) 938-5310
    3. Pay in full online: through mySiskiyous student portal or pay in person: call: (530) 938-5310 or visit the cashier.
  6. Activate your COS Email Account

    Activate your COS email by logging into mySiskiyous.

    COS will use this email to communicate with you. If you need help with this email account contact Student Email Support

Any questions or help needed with registration contact Admissions & Records (530) 938-5500 or

COS Financial Aid Information

CPAT Financial Aid Awards

Scholarships & Emergency Aid Grants for Students

Jeremy Stoke Scholarship

The Jeremy Stoke Legacy Fire Foundation is all about preserving the memory and legacy of Jeremy Stoke, a Redding firefighter who passed during the Carr fire in Shasta County, CA. Using our resources and donations from countless people and businesses, we hope to help students and new additions to the Fire Service, help them pay for their schooling, and give them a chance to be the people they dream to be.

Siskiyou Promise

The Siskiyou Promise Scholarship is offered to every Siskiyou and Modoc County high school graduate (and resident) who enrolls at COS the fall semester immediately following their high school graduation as a full-time student.

McCaleb "Mac" DeCausmaker Memorial Scholarship

Mac DeCausmaker was a Scott Valley native. He graduated from Etna High School in 1999 and attended College of the Siskiyous as a student in the Fire Science Program, graduating with an Associate Degree. Mac was also an emergency medical technician and a volunteer with the Fort Jones Fire Department. In 2002, he began his career with CalFIRE following completion of the Fire Fighter I Academy at COS. Mac later attended and graduated from the CalFIRE Company Officer Academy in Ione, CA. As a Fire Fighter I and a Fire Apparatus Engineer, Mac worked throughout Siskiyou County, and was currently assigned to the CalFIRE Pondosa Fire Station as a fire apparatus engineer when he passed away. The family and friends of Mac DeCausmaker established this scholarship in his memory an honor of his service.

Mike Wilson Scholarship

The Mike Wilson scholarship was created to remember our Fire Coordinator who has over a decade of contributions to the Fire Program and to the College as a whole. He was not only passionate about his profession that he loved so much, but he also truly enjoyed passing his knowledge on to others. Anyone who knew Capt. "Chief" Wilson could see the passion he had from his wonderful sense of humor to his great smile, it was contagious to anyone around him.

He grew up in Dunsmuir and began his career as a volunteer firefighter in Castella. After completing his training in 1981, he worked as paramedic/firefighter in Santa Rosa, Westwood and in El Dorado County.

Chief Wilson began working as an adjunct instructor in the Fire Program teaching the six core classes in January 2012. He became a full-time Faculty member on August 13, 2015 as the Coordinator, Fire Science Program.

The family and friends of Chief Wilson established this scholarship in his memory and in honor of his service.

The following local Fire Departments have partnered with COS Fire Academy and have firefighter Sleeper programs. As a sleeper firefighter you live at the fire station and respond to emergency calls. The Departments are flexible about your Academy schedule and support your attendance in the fire academy. This program allows you to gain some real world experience as a firefighter and may be able to help offset costs for rental gear.

Weed Fire Department

Weed City Fire Department Sleeper Program

Weed City Fire Department Student Firefighter Application

Weed City Fire Department Volunteer Firefighter Application

Fort Jones Fire Department

Fort Jones Fire Department Sleeper Program

Lake Shastina Fire Department

Lake Shastina Fire Department Sleeper Program

McCloud Fire Department

McCloud Fire Department Sleeper Program

Montague Fire Department

Montague Fire Department Sleeper Program

Yreka City Fire Department

Yreka City Fire Department Sleeper Program

Students successfully completing the course will receive certificates/training in:

  • Fire Control 1 - (information will be provided no cert)
  • Fire Control 2 - (information will be provided no cert)
  • Fire Control 3 – Structural Firefighting in Live-fire Simulators (FSTEP)
  • Fire Control 4A – Ignitable Liquids and Gases Awareness/Operations (FSTEP)
  • Fire Control 6 – Wildland Firefighting Essentials (F-STEP)
  • Fire Control 7 – Wildland Fire Fighting (FSTEP)
  • Confined Space Rescue Awareness (FSTEP)
  • Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue Technician (F-STEP)
  • Rope Rescue Awareness / Operations (FSTEP)
  • Fire Fighter Survival (FSTEP)
  • FI-110 Wildland Origin Identification and Scene Protection (NWCG)
  • I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System (FEMA – Online)
  • I-200 Basic Incident Command System (NWCG)
  • I-700 NIMS National Response Plan (FEMA – Online)
  • L-180 Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service (NWCG)
  • S-130 Firefighter Training (NWCG)
  • S-131 Look Up, Look Down, Look Around (NWCG)
  • S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (NWCG)
  • S-211 Portable Pumps and Water Use (NWCG)
  • S-212 Wildland Fire Chain Saws (NWCG)
  • S-215 Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface (NWCG)
  • Hazardous Materials First Responder Operational / WMD CSTI & ProBoard
  • Flashover Recognition and Survival (COS)
  • California State Fire Marshal Firefighter 1 & 2 (submit application to CSFM after work experience for FF2)

Other Resources

Off-Campus Housing

Veterans Services


Program Contact: Career and Technical Education
Phone: (530) 938-5512

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