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Housing Application & Process

On-Campus housing applications are available online. The activity/application fee of $150.00 is required to complete the annual housing application. This is step 1 of our 3-step process. Before selecting the link below, be prepared with the following:

  • Your College of the Siskiyous student identification number (Pro Tip: the format is S00XXXXXX)
  • Your personal contact information and email (, preferred)
  • Your Parent/Guardian name and email address, or any co-signer with whom you will discuss housing expenses. (A co-signer is required for dependent students identified on your FAFSA.)
  • The names of any preferred roommates (we do our best to honor roommate matching when all roommate pairs are approved for on-campus housing)
  • Prepare to make the $150 payment with your preferred electronic payment method to complete the housing application form

In Order to Reserve a Room Follow These Two Steps

Step 1:

If you are 18 years of age or older please use this link.

If you are 17 years of age or younger; or would like a parent/guardian to sign your application please select this link.

You still need to finish an additional step to reserve your room.

Step 2:

Complete and digitally sign the License Agreement. The documents to complete will be sent by email, first to the student and then automatically forwarded to the co-signer / guardian for signature.

Note: FAFSA resources such as (Pell Grants / Loans / Plus Loans) will not appear in your payment plan until they are on a student's "Award Overview."

What Happens Next?

A confirmation message with check-in and other essential details will be emailed when all license documents and estimated payment plans are complete. Make your payments on time to avoid interruption of housing and dining services.

Double-check that you have registered for classes and completed all Financial Aid documents.

Now, you are ready!

Contact Student Lodges

800 College Ave, Weed, CA 96094
Phone or Text: (530) 938-5237